Sunday, August 31, 2014

What's the IFBBA About? Part 2

IFBBA is an acronym for the International Federation of Black Bass Anglers! It's frequently perceived by some white anglers that they have to be black to fish with the IFBBA!  This is simply not the case nor true! The IFBBA is a growing tournament trail, that promotes diversity in tournament bass fishing.  Members of the IFBBA range from all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities because of its advocacy in diversity and international support.

Since fishing with the IFBBA, my understanding of the fishing industry has broaden tremendously!  From Boat & Shows across the US to Tournaments on Lake Amistad, the IFBBA is a perfect organization to broaden an anglers experience.  Developing better anglers on and off water is what the IFBBA is about!

Pics from IFBBA tourney on Lake Dardanelle  2014!

IFBBA member sporting BASS360 Tee!

Weigh-In pic 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

BASS360 & How I met the IFBBA! Part1

The IFBBA is a acrynom for the International Federation of Black Bass Anglers.  Founded in 1995 the IFBBA vision surrounded in the promotion of diversity in the fishing industry.

It's funny how peoples lives cross paths when your chasing little green fish. My passion for bass fishing and competing in bass tournament brought me to gentleman named Todd Vaughn.  Todd was a web designer I met about ten years through 6 mutual friends.  Their is another story within this one, but I'll save for a future blog.  I had been thinking about how promote myself as a angler to get sponsors, and how to start a business in the fishing industry.  I had so many ideas, but couldn't focus or narrow my ideas to one thing!  I finally decided I wanted a website that showcased hard to find product  (JDM) and small tackle manufactures that make quality high end lures.  Little did I know their was a site called  I decided to proceed forward with the idea contacting my friend Todd to discuss how much he would charge me to construct a website.  Todd started throwing out some numbers, and I realized that couldn't afford a website featuring all that I wanted. Todd and I went back and forth on my ideas, but he asked me one key question.  Are you on any social media?  I answered no!  At that time I believed Twitter and Facebook was a waste of time.  Todd explained to me how valuable  social media is.  It is virtually free marketing.  You can create your demand and following before creating your website a generating traffic.  This is when I started the BASS360 page on Facebook!

To bring this blog full circle about the IFBBA,  I sent a like request for BASS360 to a man by the name of Arthur Bronson.  Arthur is the co-founder of the IFBBA, and at that time was the current President.  Arthur responded back, and 3 years later I am the current President of the IFBBA!  
Part 2 I'll explain what the IFBBA is all about!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Over 2 years ago!

It has been over two years since I my first blog for BASS360!  Since May 2012, I have become president of the IFBBA (International Federation of Black Bass Anglers), and through my travels and business with the IFBBA have met great anglers and business owners in the outdoor industry.

BASS360 will showcase some my experiences, exciting products, and everything surrounding this thing of ours bass fishing!