Sunday, August 31, 2014

What's the IFBBA About? Part 2

IFBBA is an acronym for the International Federation of Black Bass Anglers! It's frequently perceived by some white anglers that they have to be black to fish with the IFBBA!  This is simply not the case nor true! The IFBBA is a growing tournament trail, that promotes diversity in tournament bass fishing.  Members of the IFBBA range from all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities because of its advocacy in diversity and international support.

Since fishing with the IFBBA, my understanding of the fishing industry has broaden tremendously!  From Boat & Shows across the US to Tournaments on Lake Amistad, the IFBBA is a perfect organization to broaden an anglers experience.  Developing better anglers on and off water is what the IFBBA is about!

Pics from IFBBA tourney on Lake Dardanelle  2014!

IFBBA member sporting BASS360 Tee!

Weigh-In pic